Tag: 2026 FIFA World Cup


Montreal Withdraws as 2026 World Cup Site; FIFA to Pick Venues in 2022

The city of Montreal has withdrawn from the venue selection process for the 2026 FIFA World Cup to be held in North America, potentially opening an extra spot for an American city to host. FIFA also announced that the final selections of cities will be delayed until 2022 at the earliest. Canada Soccer made the […]

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Russia Soccer WCup Germany Mexico
Fans cheer and take cell phone pictures during the 2018 FIFA World Cup. Photo: Eduardo Verdugo/AP Images

2026 World Cup Host Cities Race Heating Up

There are events that any destination would love to host, and then there are events that could transform a destination not only ahead of their arrival but for years to come. The 2026 FIFA World Cup promises to be one of those events and 17 cities throughout the United States are under consideration for 10 […]

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World Cup Final
The Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California, is packed to the brim on July 17, 1994, before the final match of the World Cup between Brazil and Italy. (AP Photo/Lois Bernstein)

FIFA, U.S. Soccer Ready for 2026 World Cup Selection Process

After a COVID-enforced pause in the evaluation process, FIFA and U.S. Soccer will restart the venue selection process for the FIFA 2026 World Cup with a virtual workshop on Tuesday with representatives from 17 cities. “Six years seems like a long time but it’s really not,” said Colin Smith, FIFA chief tournaments and events officer. […]

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