The International Olympic Committee’s Young Leaders Program will continue through 2024 with sponsorship from Panasonic, which will support different initiatives to equip those in the program with the skills and tools they need to enhance their projects.
Panasonic’s collaboration with the IOC on the Young Leaders Program underlines both organisations’ commitment to youth engagement and empowerment. Launched in 2016, the program empowers young people to leverage sport to make a difference in their communities.
“We are delighted that Panasonic is continuing its commitment to the IOC Young Leaders Programme and investing in the young generation,” said Timo Lumme, managing director of IOC Television and Marketing Services. “Thanks to Panasonic’s incredible support, we have been able to continually expand and develop this initiative, allowing us to engage and empower the next generation of sports leaders, who inspire us all with their commitment to creating positive change in their communities through the power of sport.”
The program has resulted in 116 sport-led projects in communities across the globe, promoting themes such as education, social inclusion, sustainability and well-being. Eighteen IOC Young Leaders serve as IOC commission members. In February, the latest 25 Young Leaders were selected for the new edition of the program. Panasonic provides funding to be used as grants and audiovisual equipment and produces storytelling that promotes the program and the Young Leaders themselves.
“As a Worldwide Partner of the Olympic Games since 1987, and of the Paralympic Games since 2014, we at Panasonic truly believe in sharing the passion and spirit of the Olympic Movement,” said Yoshiro Morii, executive officer and director of the Groupwide Brand Strategy Division at Panasonic Corporation. “The IOC Young Leaders Program represents exactly such a goal of inspiring passion for positive change among youth to create a more ideal society and empower younger generations.”