
First-Ever Rewards and Recognition Roundtable to be Held at TEAMS ’17 Conference in Orlando

Posted On: August 16, 2017 By : Staff

For the first time ever, the intersection of the sports-event and incentive industries will be examined by big-name brand marketers at the TEAMS Conference & Expo. Co-sponsored by Incentive magazine and the Incentive Marketing Association (IMA), the Rewards and Recognition Roundtable at TEAMS ’17 in Orlando will provide sports-event organizers and host cities the opportunity to understand how they can use non-cash incentive programs using brand-name merchandise and gift cards to achieve their objectives.

“This is an exciting addition to the TEAMS Conference program,” said Timothy Schneider, founder and chairman of the Sports Division of Northstar Travel Group. “Many event organizers and host cities are familiar with the use of promotional products and awards but this session will allow them to better understand the value of involving major brands in their efforts to motivate, recognize and reward superior performance by all of the key stakeholders in their organizations.”

The Rewards and Recognition Roundtable at TEAMS ’17 will be introduced by Leo Jakobson, executive editor of Incentive magazine, and facilitated by Richard Low, CPIM, vice-president of special markets for Citizen Watch Company of America and a past president of the IMA.

“The IMA champions the use of incentives and emphasizes the power of using recognized brands in rewards and recognition programs,” said Low. “The TEAMS Conference & Expo and this Rewards and Recognition Roundtable will allow merchandise and gift card companies to connect with the sports-event industry in a way we’ve never done before.”

The Rewards and Recognition Roundtable will be held on Tuesday, October 31, prior to the start of the TEAMS ‘17 Expo. The TEAMS ’17 Expo will include a dedicated area called the Gifting and Rewards Zone for merchandise and gift card providers offering incentive program expertise and brand-name awards to event organizers and event hosts. When they involve recognized brands, such programs enhance efforts to encourage, recognize and reward achievement for sports and other types of organizations.

“This partnership between the IMA, Incentive magazine and the TEAMS Conference & Expo will provide a real win-win opportunity,” said Jakobson. “We look forward to the Rewards and Recognition Roundtable at TEAMS ’17 and growing the sports-event segment of the incentive marketplace in the years to come.”

“This is yet another example of programming at TEAMS that is simply not available at any other sports-industry conference,” said Schneider. “We believe connecting sports-event organizers with incentive professionals using exciting brand-name awards adds tremendous value for attendees at TEAMS. We look forward to the many new and profitable relationships this partnership will produce.”

Admission to the Rewards and Recognition Roundtable at TEAMS ’17 is included at no additional charge for event organizers, exhibitors and sponsors. For further information on TEAMS ‘17, please visit or call (877) 577-3700. Incentive merchandise and gift card companies interested in participating in TEAMS ’17 should contact Marvel Jasnoch at (507) 663-1480 or by email at

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